  • Office of Information Technology
    • Supporting teaching and research, providing computer-related hardware and software, computerization of university administrative affairs, providing campus Internet services, implementing data security and personal data protection, providing technological consultations and training. Ensuring NUU's informational service quality, improving the campus informational environment, and reinforcing the digitization of university administrative matters.
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  • Administrative Information Division
    • ​​​​​​​The development and design of teaching and learning information systems (academic information systems) and programs, including school management systems, academic management systems, registration management systems, grades management systems, recruitment management systems, entrance examination recruitment systems, military service management systems, teaching evaluation systems, and instructor hourly fee systems, as well as the management of school data system servers and hosts and the management of services for upper-level agencies, such as the Ministry of Education.
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  • Network service Division
    • Managing campus network main lines and equipment, managing single sign-on accounts and passwords, managing and maintaining e-mail servers for all NUU faculty, managing and maintaining network files servers, managing and maintaining cloud service platforms and servers, managing and maintaining virtual hosting platforms, operating ISMS and Voice over Internet Protocols, maintaining and operating campus wireless networks, and managing and maintaining servers and hosts.
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  • Education Extension Division
    • Teaching services support, computer lab management and maintenance, maintenance management for the university website, maintenance and management for the Office of Information Technology website, website platform maintenance and management, management and procurement for all NUU licensed software, Internet broadcasting services, and organization and coordination of IT-related activities inside and outside NUU.
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